I'm sure most of you want to get in the studio and start freestyling your links. Sorry but you can't. The criteria EXPLICITLY STATES that all dialogue has to be scripted. It says it in the criteria (look at part e of criteria 3) and also states it in the teaching guidance later in the spec. WHAT THIS MEANS IS THAT without a script that you stick to your show, no matter how hilarious/great YOU might think it is, is going to fail this criteria and you'll fail the unit. YOU HAVE TO GENERATE SCRIPTED LINKS FOR AT LEAST A HALF-HOUR OF YOUR SHOW. SO - every time you've indicated in your RUNNING ORDER that you're going to say something or have a link between tracks, you will have to script that link. I don't want you necessarily to write a script that you then read nervously in the studio. But I do want some hint as to what you're going to say. What might be ideal is scripting the links for now, recording them with a little bit of relaxed freedo...