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FINAL SESSION - Handing in your 3-minute extract and reflecting on what you've made.

Ok, you've analysed a station and a show , then  conceived ,  planned  and  produced  your radio show The final touch is to hand it in, and evidence what you've done. Do this in the following way. 1. Open up a new blogpost. Call it 'My Talk & Music Radio Reflection'. 2. Answer, in a few paragraphs the following questions.Actually paste the bolded questions into your post and then add a paragraph answer to each. a)  How happy am I with my finished show?  Have you achieved what you set out to achieve? What are you particularly proud of in your final product? Do you think it will appeal to the target audience you've identified? b)  What could be improved with my finished show?  What would you change or improve about your finished product? How could those improvements be made? Is it a question of having more time, or practicing more with the software you used? If you could make the show again what would you do differently?...
Recent posts

Radio Production Session 2 - Editing Your Links

Hopefully you've SAVED your links properly as mp3s or wavs and can open them up in Adobe Audition. You now need to lace together your links with your music, as well as create jingles/stabs. You also need to leave me some EVIDENCE of this process so every now and then please screenshot what you're doing and save images in a folder (I'll figure out how to turn this into a production diary). REMEMBER - you can EDIT individual tracks in 'Edit View', you can put together various tracks in 'Multitrack' view. Have a play with effects and see what occurs. If you need help editing tell me and I'll come and help. These videos will be helpful also. (Editing Audio With Audition)  (How to Make Your Voice Sound Better With Audition)  (how to mix music + speech) 

Radio Production Session 1 - Recording Your Links

OK - IF you have completed ALL the planning necessary, it's now time for you to start your radio production by actually recording the links you're going to use between tracks in your half-hour shows. No-one gets in a studio without a script. In previous years students who've gone into the studios saying they're going to 'freestyle' it and have then spent entire sessions dicking about have failed. Students who go in and record JUST what they need and have spent more time EDITING have ended up with tight, well-edited shows. The longer you give yourself in the classroom to edit what you record together with the music tracks the better. This doesn't mean that if you're in a position to go into the studio you should rush through the actual recording- take your time in the studio getting relaxed and comfortable, making sure your voice is coming through loudly and clearly (check your fader levels) - keep having a go until you get links you're happy wi...

Radio Planning Final Session - Scripting Your Links

 I'm sure most of you want to get in the studio and start freestyling your links. Sorry but you can't. The criteria EXPLICITLY STATES that all dialogue has to be scripted. It says it in the criteria (look at part e of criteria 3) and also states it in the teaching guidance later in the spec. WHAT THIS MEANS IS THAT without a script that you stick to your show, no matter how hilarious/great YOU might think it is, is going to fail this criteria and you'll fail the unit. YOU HAVE TO GENERATE SCRIPTED LINKS FOR AT LEAST A HALF-HOUR OF YOUR SHOW. SO - every time you've indicated in your RUNNING ORDER that you're going to say something or have a  link between tracks, you will have to script that link.  I don't want you necessarily to write a script that you then read nervously in the studio. But I do want some hint as to what you're going to say. What might be ideal is scripting the links for now, recording them with a little bit of relaxed freedo...

Radio Planning - Session 13 : Licenses

A couple of things I've noticed that will fully wrap up your planning.  1. DON'T OPEN A NEW POST FOR THIS, GO BACK TO YOUR LAST POST ABOUT OFCOM AND ADD IT TO THE BOTTOM OF THAT.  Add the heading 'LICENSING'  Go to both of the following links Give me in your own words, basic answers to the following questions. You can use the questions as subheadings if you wish. . . Who are PPL?  Why do I need a radio broadcasting license? What two licenses do I need to play music on the radio? Who gets paid by each type of license?

Radio Planning Session 12 - The Ofcom Code

The final part of most planning for the media units you are doing usually entails looking at the legal and ethical side of the media - i.e what you can and can't get away with on-air or in print, and what 'trade-body' or organisation regulates the media. You know that IPSO are the regulator of the press. You might know that Ofgen regulate the energy industry. Ofsted regulate education. Who regulates the radio industry? Ofcom. Recently a few people have fallen foul of Ofcom's rules. Have a look at these stories. I want you to tell me about Ofcom, and what strictures/rules you should obey when putting together your show. Do this as follows. 1. Open up a new blogpost. Call it 'RADIO PLANNING: OFCOM'. Add the heading 'Who are Ofcom?' Find the Ofcom site, and see if...

Radio Planning Session 11 - Equipment List And Studio Safety

Although you're going to present your show, in a sense you're also going to be the producer too, cos it's you that's taking charge of the planning , recording and editing as well. With your producers hat on you need to create a list of all the equipment you're going to need to create your show as well as the health and safety issues associated with working in a studio. This is a really quick part of the planning documentation and you should complete it as follows. 1. CREATE A NEW BLOGPOST AND CALL IT 'RADIO PLANNING - Equipment & Safety' 2. Add the heading 'HARDWARE & SOFTWARE' and give me a full list of the equipment you're going to use to create your show. Have a think about EVERYTHING you're going to need. Your list should at a bare minimum include the following HARDWARE Microphones A pop shield. Headphones Radio Studio Mixing Desk Computers (both in the studio during production, and in the classroom during editing/pos...